1,243 research outputs found

    A system concept for wide swath constant incident angle coverage

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    Multiple beam approach readily overcomes radar ambiguity constraints associated with orbital systems and therefore permits imagery over swaths much wider than 100 kilometers. Furthermore, the antenna technique permits imagery at nearly constant incident angles. When frequency scanning is employed, the center angle may be programmed. The redundant use of the antenna aperture during reception results in lower transmitted power and in shorter antenna lengths in comparison to conventional designs. Compatibility of the approach with passive imagery is also considered

    The recovery of microwave scattering parameters from scatterometric measurements with special application to the sea

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    As part of an effort to demonstrate the value of the microwave scatterometer as a remote sea wind sensor, the interaction between an arbitrarily polarized scatterometer antenna and a noncoherent distributive target was derived and applied to develop a measuring technique to recover all the scattering parameters. The results are helpful for specifying antenna polarization properties for accurate retrieval of the parameters not only for the sea but also for other distributive scenes

    AAFE RADSCAT data reduction programs user's guide

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    Theory, design and operation of the computer programs which automate the reduction of joint radiometer and scatterometer observations are presented. The programs reduce scatterometer measurements to the normalized scattering coefficient; whereas the radiometer measurements are converted into antenna temperatures. The programs are both investigator and user oriented. Supplementary parameters are provided to aid in the interpretation of the observations. A hierarchy of diagnostics is available to evaluate the operation of the instrument, the conduct of the experiments and the quality of the records. General descriptions of the programs and their data products are also presented. This document therefore serves as a user's guide to the programs and is therefore intended to serve both the experimenter and the program operator

    Toward RADSCAT measurements over the sea and their interpretation

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    Investigations into several areas which are essential to the execution and interpretation of suborbital observations by composite radiometer - scatterometer sensor (RADSCAT) are reported. Experiments and theory were developed to demonstrate the remote anemometric capability of the sensor over the sea through various weather conditions. It is shown that weather situations found in extra tropical cyclones are useful for demonstrating the all weather capability of the composite sensor. The large scale fluctuations of the wind over the sea dictate the observational coverage required to correlate measurements with the mean surface wind speed. Various theoretical investigations were performed to establish a premise for the joint interpretation of the experiment data. The effects of clouds and rains on downward radiometric observations over the sea were computed. A method of predicting atmospheric attenuation from joint observations is developed. In other theoretical efforts, the emission and scattering characteristics of the sea were derived. Composite surface theories with coherent and noncoherent assumptions were employed

    Skylab S-193 Radscat microwave measurements of sea surface winds

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    The S-193 Radscat made extensive measurements of many sea conditions. Measurements were taken in a tropical hurricane (Ava), a tropical storm (Christine), and in portions of extratropical cyclones. Approximately 200 scans of ocean data at 105 kilometer spacings were taken during the first two Skylab missions and another 200 during the final mission when the characteristics of the measurements changed due to damage of the antenna. Backscatter with four transmit/receive polarization combinations and emissions with horizontal and vertical receive polarizations were measured. Other surface parameters investigated for correlation with the measurements included sea temperature, air/sea temperature difference, and gravity-wave spectrum. Methods were developed to correct the microwave measurements for atmospheric effects. The radiometric data were corrected accurately for clear sky and light cloud conditions only. The radiometer measurements were used to recover the surface scattering characteristics for all atmospheric conditions excluding rain. The radiometer measurements also detected the presence of rain which signaled when the scattering measurement should not be used for surface wind estimation. Regression analysis was used to determine empirically the relation between surface parameters and the microwave measurements, after correction for atmospheric effects. Results indicate a relationship approaching square-law at 50 deg between differential scattering coefficient and wind speed with horizontally polarized scattering data showing slightly more sensitivity to wind speed than vertically polarized data

    Radar systems for the water resources mission. Volume 4: Appendices E-I

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    The use of a scanning antenna beam for a synthetic aperture system was examined. When the resolution required was modest, the radar did not use all the time the beam was passing a given point on the ground to build a synthetic aperture, so time was available to scan the beam to other positions and build several images at different ranges. The scanning synthetic-aperture radar (SCANSAR) could achieve swathwidths of well over 100 km with modest antenna size. Design considerations for a SCANSAR for hydrologic parameter observation are presented. Because of the high sensitivity to soil moisture at angles of incidence near vertical, a 7 to 22 deg swath was considered for that application. For snow and ice monitoring, a 22 to 37 deg scan was used. Frequencies from X-band to L-band were used in the design studies, but the proposed system operated in C-band at 4.75 GHz. It achieved an azimuth resolution of about 50 meters at all angles, with a range resolution varying from 150 meters at 7 deg to 31 meters at 37 deg. The antenna required an aperture of 3 x 4.16 meters, and the average transmitter power was under 2 watts

    Mineral resource management: Evaluating mineral resource throughput management

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    Mining operations are increasingly challenged to sustain and improve its profitability. Mineral Resource Throughput Management (MRTM) is showing immense promise to become a fit for use mining management and improvement methodology. Research indicated that the three dimensions of MRTM, namely physical and non-physical constraint management, product payability improvement and optimised decision-making are largely based on the theory of mechanistic and organic systems, the theory of constraints and chaos theory. It also enhances best practices in quality and mining operations management. Managing the impact of variable geology (variable ore and ore body morphology), mining (variable and changing process flow chains) and beneficiation (material compatibility) conditions as well as external variables on production within the MRTM context, mainly centres around understanding and predicting the correct flow behaviour of ore (physical and quality) in downstream processes and synchronisation of the total mining value chain

    Radar systems for the water resources mission, volume 1

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    The state of the art determination was made for radar measurement of: soil moisture, snow, standing and flowing water, lake and river ice, determination of required spacecraft radar parameters, study of synthetic-aperture radar systems to meet these parametric requirements, and study of techniques for on-board processing of the radar data. Significant new concepts developed include the following: scanning synthetic-aperture radar to achieve wide-swath coverage; single-sideband radar; and comb-filter range-sequential, range-offset SAR processing. The state of the art in radar measurement of water resources parameters is outlined. The feasibility for immediate development of a spacecraft water resources SAR was established. Numerous candidates for the on-board processor were examined
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